Toilet Training Policy

Toilet/Potty training is a very important milestone for each and every child. The child requires reassurance and guidance at every step to make sure that they are fully supported and encouraged during this stage of their development. It is equally important that we ensure effective partnership and communication with parents in order to give the child continuity between their home and the center.

Potty training is a shared job, and it is important that your child gets the same messages at home and at the center. Communication is the key: Make sure that the staff knows what you are doing at home and vice versa. Parents are asked to provide plenty of changes in clothes as this is very important because accidents do happen. 

Once potty training starts, the following will begin: 

  • Children will start with dry checks. This data will give the BCBA an idea as to how long the child can hold his/her bladder. Once the BCBA has enough data to support the next step, the BCBA will reach out to the parent/guardian and inform them. 
  • The 2nd step of toilet training is to transition the child from a diaper/pull-up into training underwear. The parent will be asked to provide at least 10 pairs of training underwear and 10 pairs of shorts/pants. Dirty underwear and shorts will be sent home nightly, and we ask for the parents to replenish the stock daily. This ensures that we will have enough clothing to continue effective toilet training the following day. 
  • Children will start by being placed on the toilet every 20 to 30 minutes throughout the day. As the child becomes successful, this protocol will change per the BCBA. The BCBA will communicate any and all changes in protocols via email. 


*BCBA reserves the right to stop toilet training at any given time due to impeding behaviors*

By signing below, you, as the parent, agree with the toilet training policy and will adhere to any and all recommendations requested per the BCBA. An open line of communication is imperative in order to see effective change in your child’s toilet training. If, for any reason, toilet training needs to be put on hold, the BCBA will inform the parents and then outline the next steps. 


Contact Us

Phone: 239-349-3139
Fax: 239-984-4372
[email protected]

12501 World Plaza Lane, Building 51
Fort Myers, FL, 33907

All fields are required.

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