COVID 19 Policy

Autism Services of Florida strives to keep its facility clean and free from germs. We fully understand that some of our clients have compromised immune systems which could result in serious illness and complications. With an increase in Covid-19 cases and the Delta variant on the rise, the following policies will be followed:  

  • Clients are to be dropped off and picked up at the entrance door (No exceptions).
  • A staff member will meet you outside the front entrance with a thermometer and will take your child’s temperature before entering the door. If your child has a forehead temperature reading over 99 degrees, they will not be able to enter the center or receive services for that day. Your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to receive services (One day PAST being sick).
  • If your child is displaying any of the following symptoms, they are prohibited from entering the building:
  • Chills
  • Cough (Interrupting Services)
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue / extreme exhaustion (i.e. did not sleep the night before)
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat / Strep Throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea   
  • Eye infection (red/itchy eyes, discharge)
  • Rashes (other than diaper)
  • Autism Services of Florida MUST be notified immediately in the unfortunate case of a client and/or immediate family members testing positive for COVID.
  • If the client tests positive, the client is to quarantine for 10 calendar days. Upon the completion of the quarantine, the client may return with negative test results.
  • If a family member tests positive, the client is to quarantine for 5 days. If the client is asymptomatic on day 5, the client has the option of returning on day 6 with negative results.   
  • If a staff member of Autism Services of Florida tests positive for Covid, parents will be notified of the exposure and will be asked to quarantine for 5 days. If the client is asymptomatic on day 5, the client has the option of returning on day 6 with negative results.   

 Autism Services of Florida understands the difficulty that many families are currently facing in these unprecedented times, however, no family member may ask an employee of Autism Services of Florida about their vaccination status or engage in any conversation on this subject matter. This is a violation of each employee’s HIPPA rights and will not be tolerated. Employees of Autism Services of Florida have been employed to provide the medically necessary services that have been outlined and approved by your insurance provider. If any family member wants to discuss such matters, they may address their concerns with Nicole Edge.     


Thank you in advance, 



Contact Us

Phone: 239-349-3139
Fax: 239-984-4372
[email protected]

12501 World Plaza Lane, Building 51
Fort Myers, FL, 33907

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